Videoconferencing - Technology that Boost Your Business

In present fast-paced world, regular and periodic communication with team members, seniors, subordinates, clients and stakeholders is of paramount importance for the success of a business organization. Video conferencing addresses this need of businesses to stay in touch with people working at different locations. This latest telecommunication technology enables companies to run their businesses across different regions of the world without confronting the logistical hurdles associated with long-distance communication.

Videoconferencing, in simple terms, can be defined as use of audio and video transmissions for long-distance communication using a digital network. The following are the main advantages of videoconferencing:

A Time Saving 

Time is at a premium these days and for many companies, deadlines and sales targets are more important than anything else. Meeting business objectives within the stipulated time frame gives an organization an edge over its competitors. 

Videoconferencing enables a business to interact with clients, staff and vendors without the necessity of travelling great distances. Much time is thus saved, and corporate decisions can be taken quickly and implemented effectively. Time saved in travelling can be used for other productive activities. It also saves time wasted in taking down minutes of a meeting and mailing them to employees, as a meeting done through videoconferencing can be recorded and played for future reference.

Saves on Travel Costs

Travel costs incurred by the company just to send employees to the venue of a meeting can be avoided with videoconferencing facility. Even business presentations to clients can be given through videoconferencing, which means that the team need not go to the clients' office with such apparatus as whiteboards and overhead projectors to give a presentation.

Saves Arrangement Hassles and Accommodation Expenses

Booking hotels, deciding on a venue, arranging for a conference room, luncheon, transportation of participants from the hotel to the venue of the meeting, etc are some of the hassles that a company has to bear in case of a live meeting. These hassles can be avoided if the meeting is done through videoconferencing.

Solves Problem of Employee Absenteeism 

As videoconferencing offers recording facility, the meeting can be recorded and played again at a later time for those who have missed it. Hence those who are absent from a meeting can view the entire meeting at a later time.

Effect of Visual Communication

Videoconferencing is an audio-visual technology and so the visual effect of the meeting cannot be overlooked. Videoconferencing enables a participant to read the non-verbal cues of his client, and thus it has an edge over telephonic or other forms of communication that rely only on verbal interaction. We all know that absence of visual spectrum can be a barrier towards effective communication between people located at different places, thereby leaving room for misinterpretation. Moreover, a client will feel assured if he can see the presenter instead of hearing just a voice telling him the features of a product or service. The presenter too will feel assured if she can actually see how her client is reacting or responding to her presentation.

Thus, with an advanced communication facility like videoconferencing, businesses can enjoy the benefits of effective business communication that is both time-saving and cost-effective.
