How to Pick a Conference Room Microphone?
The rumbling of air vents. The clink of a mug colliding against a table. The sound of distant laughter. These are the things that you simply would expect to hear in a cafeteria, not in a conference room. And yet, because of poor mike placement, these are the sounds that remote staff hear every day throughout their videoconferencing sessions. These sounds are also one of the main reasons why meetings run over schedule. When the most common sentence uttered during a meeting is, “Sorry, the air conditioner just kicked in again…... can you repeat that?”, it’s unlikely that every item on the agenda goes to be adequately addressed. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem isn’t as simple as “get a better microphone.” Conference room microphones come in many different styles, and which style is best suited for your room isn’t always clear-cut. Here are the 5 types of conference room microphones currently available and a brief overview of their pros and cons. 1. Goos...